Summary of the problem dragon egg no recipe
Pack Version 3.0.6
What is the bug? dragon egg has no recipe. ı can see there is a recipe in shapedrecipes.zs.
shapedrecipes.zs dragon recipe is like this:
//Adding recipe for Dragon Egg since mods decided to make it so you can only get 1 instead of having an egg every time you kill the dragon, because that would make sense
recipes.addShaped(<minecraft:dragon_egg>, [[<minecraft:end_crystal>, <darkutils:material:1>, <minecraft:end_crystal>], [<darkutils:shulker_pearl>, <minecraft:nether_star>, <darkutils:shulker_pearl>], [<minecraft:dragon_breath>, <draconicevolution:dragon_heart>, <minecraft:dragon_breath>]]);
Mod & Version 3.0.6
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? yes. ı tried restarting the game several times. i tried deleting and redownloading it again
Known Fix
Pack Version 3.0.6
What is the bug? dragon egg has no recipe. ı can see there is a recipe in shapedrecipes.zs.
shapedrecipes.zs dragon recipe is like this:
//Adding recipe for Dragon Egg since mods decided to make it so you can only get 1 instead of having an egg every time you kill the dragon, because that would make sense
recipes.addShaped(<minecraft:dragon_egg>, [[<minecraft:end_crystal>, <darkutils:material:1>, <minecraft:end_crystal>], [<darkutils:shulker_pearl>, <minecraft:nether_star>, <darkutils:shulker_pearl>], [<minecraft:dragon_breath>, <draconicevolution:dragon_heart>, <minecraft:dragon_breath>]]);
Mod & Version 3.0.6
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? yes. ı tried restarting the game several times. i tried deleting and redownloading it again
Known Fix