From what I've seen, the Direwolf pack doesn't use the IndustrialCraft version of copper and tin; so searching for both ores down at diamond level is out. I tried searching the internet for where the ores are located but had no success. I was wondering if someone could tell me the levels where both ores spawn in Direwolf's pack. Also what would be the most efficient way to mine for the ores? Should I mine for them like I would diamonds or should I just search caves and ravines for them?
From what I've seen, the Direwolf pack doesn't use the IndustrialCraft version of copper and tin; so searching for both ores down at diamond level is out. I tried searching the internet for where the ores are located but had no success. I was wondering if someone could tell me the levels where both ores spawn in Direwolf's pack. Also what would be the most efficient way to mine for the ores? Should I mine for them like I would diamonds or should I just search caves and ravines for them?