Just tried to install it again and this time it worked, so i'll run through what I did (note, you may know how to do most of this already but it may be beneficial to someone else who doesn't). First, after downloading the server files, run ServerStart.bat and wait until it finishes loading, ie when the console has stopped producing new text, type stop and press enter. That should close the console. Then, press the windows key and R and type cmd in the place it tells you to, then press enter. Type ipconfig in the command window and press enter. Open up your server properties file and where it asks for the server ip type the IPv4 address from the command window. You will also need to change the level type to BIOMESOP if you want biomes o plenty. The next bit is slightly trickier if you don't know how to port forward, but there are plenty of tutorials on port forwarding on the internet. If this is the only server you have then you can keep the server port to the default 25565, if not, then you should know how to port forward already. What you then need to do is save the server properties file and delete the world folder. Run ServerStart again and your server should be up and running. To be able to connect to it you will need to go to
http://www.canyouseeme.org/ to find out your external ip address. It should show your ip and gives the option to check whether a port is open. Type 25565 or whatever port your server is running on and click check port (your server needs to be running for it to say that the port is open). To connect in game to your server type your ip followed by ':25565', for example, 1.23.456.78:25565. Hopefully your server is up and running now!