DireWolf20 Server Creation Issues

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Title DireWolf20 Server Creation Issues

Launcher Type Server

Modpack DireWolf20

Modpack version FTBPresentsDirewolf20110Server_1.2.1

Have you modified the pack? No

Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/00c82aa0

Details of the issue So every time I try to launch the Modpack for DireWolf20's Server, it generates issues through this.

Bear in mind I am launching the "FTBserver-1.10.2-" through a hosting service (Bisect Hosting) and getting these issues. Normally I get that you run the Installer locally to generate the files, but the CMD runs for about 3 seconds, then closes after generating files which seems suspiciously short.

Any clues? Anyone experiencing the same issues? Am I missing something since it's been a while since I've created a Minecraft Server?
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This is the directory containing the FTB Direwolf20 1.10.2 data, it doesn't appear to be missing anything. Not that I can see anyway.


So progress has been made, and Bisect Hosting failed to provide any significant help (Unlike my last 3 server purchases, including the first where I had no clue how to start a server and he/she guided me through the process step by step for FREE) I am unable to locate any significant source for these Library files.

Does anyone know where I could locate and download them? I tried downloading the Direwolf 20 Modpack again to see if they were lost before, and nothing changed.

If not I guess I'll have to install all of the mods separately and find each library? Either that or Forge because at this point I'm running out of energy and ideas for the day.

Some way to spend a bank holiday. Happy holidays everyone.


  • ErrorCode.PNG
    31.2 KB · Views: 46


Okay so after a large 5 hour search, I've yielded even more results. I know where the files are supposed to be created from; the server files.

And yet here I am, still unable to start the server since I'm missing the library files.

I've even tried previous versions and uploading those library files to see if it makes a difference, but progressively worse. So I restored it to the state as posted above.

Does this server even work? I know the release was only 3 days ago for BETA, but do the files actually generate?


After a long day of banging my head against the table, I've come to a conclusion and a solution.

I'm now using the current 'Release' version compared to the latest 'Beta' version of Direwolf 20.

What did I expect on the 'Release' version? That upon editing the RAM Values correctly and following normal procedures, the ServerStart.bat would start correctly and generate the eula.txt file.

What happened? Exactly that.

Looks like the current Beta 1.2.1 build just doesn't work. Stick with release I supposed.

Golden out.

EDIT; Never mind. EULA.txt generated. Library files then stated they were missing. Unless anyone has got any ideas then I guess I'm taking a break.
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Okay seriously am I doing something wrong regarding the installation of these libraries?

It's such a simple thing. I've now tried the same with Hermit Craft and it gave the same errors (1.10.2).

Can anyone explain to me how to actually get all the Library items to generate for 1.10.2 servers? From what I can see on the net and here, it seems like there ARE servers RUNNING Direwolf20 1.10.2 edition.

Same thing happens when running older versions (1.7.10), please can anyone offer any piece of advice?..