Direwolf20 configs

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So after the update I noticed some interesting configs. There are configs for gregtech, advanced machines, petrogen, traincraft, advanced solars, minechem, ropes plus, magic yarn, secret rooms, and PLC even though none of those mods are(and probably wont be in the future) in the pack. So is this what the ultimate pack is gonna be? if so i'm a little disappointed. Ropes plus and magic yarn but no openccsensors or balkons weapons? But I would be excited about secret rooms and minechem


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So after the update I noticed some interesting configs. There are configs for gregtech, advanced machines, petrogen, traincraft, advanced solars, minechem, ropes plus, magic yarn, secret rooms, and PLC even though none of those mods are(and probably wont be in the future) in the pack. So is this what the ultimate pack is gonna be? if so i'm a little disappointed. Ropes plus and magic yarn but no openccsensors or balkons weapons? But I would be excited about secret rooms and minechem
This has already been asked, but I'll go over it again. The team tries to keep compatibility across the packs, meaning that if you just add GregTech to DW20, it should work fine. This means that they probably just have a single config folder, and distribute it with all packs (except where things need specifically disabling for the pack to function). This has the added advantage that the mods are already set up and configured, if you do wish to add them.

The configs will be what is currently running, not the ultimate pack (which is presumable not out because they're waiting on something, so it wouldn't be in the distribution stream of the packs).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This has already been asked, but I'll go over it again.[...]

You appear to be wrong, as per http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/dw20-5-1-0-config-weirdness.11974/#post-137477 (specifically http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/dw20-5-1-0-config-weirdness.11974/#post-137373) which states that it is a confirmed issue. It will likely be addressed next Monday, if it has not already been updated.

This is another great reason to wait a week or so before updating.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fair enough, I was going on what I was hearing last, and it was making sense to me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This has already been asked, but I'll go over it again. The team tries to keep compatibility across the packs, meaning that if you just add GregTech to DW20, it should work fine. This means that they probably just have a single config folder, and distribute it with all packs (except where things need specifically disabling for the pack to function). This has the added advantage that the mods are already set up and configured, if you do wish to add them.

The configs will be what is currently running, not the ultimate pack (which is presumable not out because they're waiting on something, so it wouldn't be in the distribution stream of the packs).

I get having a config for gregtech, advanced solars, secret rooms and others that are in the FTB packs. I thought it was curious that magic yarn, minechem, PLC and ropes+ were in there despite not being in any modpacks


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I'm new here. Is secret rooms going to be added to FTB Direwolf20 pack. Also, I cannot get the steam engine to hook up to the gold redstone pipe to power any equipment, i.e. pulverizer or anything else??? Help


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Post your questions in the right thread, and use a wooden conductive pipe to connect to an engine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I'm new here. Is secret rooms going to be added to FTB Direwolf20 pack. Also, I cannot get the steam engine to hook up to the gold redstone pipe to power any equipment, i.e. pulverizer or anything else??? Help

I have no idea about secret rooms, thats up to direwolf20, I doubt it though, at least for a little while


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have no idea about secret rooms, thats up to direwolf20, I doubt it though, at least for a little while
I think the team just copyed the configs from an instance they were testing, probably for the Ultimate Pack. So now you have a sneak peak of Ultimate anyway.