Damage taken near charging MFSU

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I'm sure almost everyone who read the subject line thinks, what a dummy - but I've used IC2 only once before.

I've got a well-established base with a good SynGas generator which (with other generators) used to power the base, but was mothballed when I got Draconic power. SynGas gennies put out power in many formats, of which EU is one. Whoopee! So I hooked up IC2 machines with gold insulated cable from a high voltage emitter from Syngas, and put 3 tier upgrades into each machine. All well, and working as expected.

Then I made an MFSU, and hooked that up with the same gold insulated cable, knowing that both the cable and the high voltage emitter were light, but thinking, okay, the MFSU will just charge more slowly, and I'm in no hurry. The MFSU does charge, and does not seem to be wanting to explode.

But now if I go near any part of that cable, or the MFSU, I take quite severe damage. Breaking the cable to isolate the MFSU stops the damage.

What am I missing?

(Using DW20's latest modpack, v1.9)
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Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Uninsulated cables with power running through it will deal damage if you get close to it. You need to break it, double-insulate it with Rubber (for gold cables), and replace it.

You've inadvertently stumbled across my old electrical fence setup, by the way... done deliberately for a pretty nasty base defense.
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Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Thanks ShneekeyTheLost - I did wonder if that was the problem but didn't want to experiment and blow everything up. I've laid in 2x ins. gold now.
Double-insulated also has less energy waste over distance, so you'll find more energy efficiency as well as less pain. In general, you'll want to maximize the amount of insulation on any cable you lay... except glass fibre, which don't need no steenkin' insulation, but it requires diamonds to make.