Hello there im having a bit of an issue in FTB infinity im trying to craft a wool gin one of the things i need is an iron coil to make an iron coil i need a draw plate this is where im having the issue because its not letting me make the draw plate 4x block of iron post 1x block of diamond panel the diamond panel goes in the middle which is then surrounded by the 4 block of iron posts which go in the upper middle lower middle left and right middle this is where the game tells me to put each item in the crafting table i have seen a video on youtube of somebode making one of these see here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMVBvbYLbZw (14:06 to 14:11 in the video) and it worked for him so please can you guys fix this because waiting for cotton to grow is driving me inasne.