raio verusia
Hi. I'm new to the forum, and am desperately searching for some information about some strange things that started occurring on the server I host for a pair of friends and I. I'm playing on FTB Infinity Evolved with Ars Magica 2, MPS, Factorization, Iguana Tinker Tweaks, and Mekanism installed to it, and it's hosted locally just for us. Anyways, what would cause Hunger II, Weakness II, Mining Fatigue II, and Nausea II all at once after killing something that -isn't- a skeleton or zombie? I had just gotten into a bit of blood magic, a mod I have no experience with at all, could that be it? We're heavily into Ars Magica and Botania by this point, and a little mystcraft for myself but that's about it so far.
Edit: Snapshot after killing a chicken, it doesn't last long so it was hard to get
I've tested this in a singleplayer world and I do -not- get the affects so it's something server-related only.
Edit: Snapshot after killing a chicken, it doesn't last long so it was hard to get
I've tested this in a singleplayer world and I do -not- get the affects so it's something server-related only.
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