Config file help!

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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
I have a config clash between Biomes of Plenty and Buildcraft. As a result, stone gears no longer exist, and instead are a block of Wood from BoP.

So I've edited the configs, my save game has detected that I've changed Buildcraft IDs, but, it hasn't fixed the problem.

Most of the conflicts were on the pipes, but when I check NEI, these are not using the IDs I've allocated in the config, and the stone gear still does not exist.

From buildcraft:

From NEI Dump:
Block. Unused ID: 3801

This should be an item, not a block. Is there a setting somewhere that reserves certain IDs for blocks, and others for items?

The Fir Wood block that is being used instead of the Stone Gear is Block. Name: tile.firWood. ID: 4057. Totally different ID.

This has got me really confused. Should I just look for free IDs. All of the 43xx range is free. Any help to help to understand IDs greatly appreciated.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Update - changing to the 43xx range for buildcraft gives me back the missing items, but for some strange reason, they have not been assigned 43xx ID numbers.

Very odd. But at least I can build my wooden and stone gears now.