Okay, so despite the fact that I used to do a bit of coding back in the day, Computercraft is kicking my backside.
I'm trying to write a program that will send pulses through the bundled cable attached in the back to a specific color, then after it has done that, send pulses to a different color. These colors are attached to Filters. They are helping me shift around non-stacking items. 24 of them to be precise.
When I try to run the program, however, I end up with this:
Also, when I checked rom/apis I was shocked to discover that the redstone api is missing, as are several others.
So, I'm betting I made some newbish mistake here. What did I do wrong?
I'm trying to write a program that will send pulses through the bundled cable attached in the back to a specific color, then after it has done that, send pulses to a different color. These colors are attached to Filters. They are helping me shift around non-stacking items. 24 of them to be precise.
-- This subprogram will pulse filter 24 times
-- in sequential order. This will transfer cooling
-- cells properly.
-- Bundled Color Code:
-- Orange = Filter on towers
-- Magenta = Filter on holding chests
for i = 1, 24 do
rs.setBundledOutput("back", color.orange)
rs.setBundledOutput("back", 0)
for i = 1, 24 do
rs.setBundledOutput("back", color.magenta)
rs.setBundledOutput("back"), 0)
When I try to run the program, however, I end up with this:
Also, when I checked rom/apis I was shocked to discover that the redstone api is missing, as are several others.
So, I'm betting I made some newbish mistake here. What did I do wrong?