I have been working a API that makes a user interface when called simular to buttions in other programs. Please post any bugs so i can help you. To install place int the folder FTBFOLDER/MODPACK/minecraft/mods/computercraft/lua/rom/apis/. I have made a Yes No and Customizable version No title, Title on Top, Title on Bottom, Title on Top and Bottom. They can be called by
If you have any ideas please send them to me
Here is the paste bin http://pastebin.com/dfbD2dHb
local options = { "option1","option2","option3"}
local title1 = {"Title One"}
local title2 = {"Title Two")
-- for a simple Yes No with no title just type
--Use left and right to switch between options and space to choose the selected option
local YN = tui.yn()
if YN == true then
--place code for yes here
--Place code for false here
--for a Yes No with a Tittle on the top
local YNTITLETOP = tui.ynTittleTop(title1)
if TNTITLETOP == true then
--code for Yes here
--code for No here
local YNTITLEBOTTOM = tui.ynTittleBottom(title2)
if YNTITLEBOTTOM == true then
--code for Yes here
--code for No here
local YNTITLEBOTH = tui.ynTittleBoth(title1,title2)
if YNTITLEBOTH == true then
--code for Yes here
--code for No here
--for a interface with as many options as you want use this
--Custom uses up /down to move selected item
CUSTOM = tui.custom(options)
if CUSTOM == 1 then
--code for option 1
if CUSTOM == 2 then
--code for option 2
if CUSTOM == 3 then
--code for option 3
-- This will go on for as long as you have options
--For the titles you just add them after the options when you call the function
Here is the paste bin http://pastebin.com/dfbD2dHb