Problem Chunks Loading While Exploring?

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So i been trying to tweak this pack i put together some and needs little more tweaking. My question is this, is it pretty normal on modpacks when you have 160+ mods that while exploring new chunks that sometimes you have to wait a minute for chunks to load? Like when you come to edge of a chunk and it just stops loading for a min? Just wondering if this is pretty normal for larger packs? If not anyway i could make it better? I have a decent system 750TI, Amd FX 6300 six core which i know cores dont really matter but it can turbo up to almost 4ghz, have 24gigs of ram. so the system itself shouldnt be to much of problem. And with the pack itself i can sustain right around 140fps when things are loaded. Its not a constant thing but more of an annoyance when it does happen.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
is this a (perhaps) 1.7.10 modpack? Fastcraft was really necessary for some versions of MC to prevent this.


No its a 1.10.2 pack, I use to use fastcraft with the 1.7 packs though. But in that regard like i said its not really an FPS issue. However it could turn into one still little worried once i get things going real good lots of structures, automating ect. but Im still hoping it should stay around 60 fps after all that. Its just when i explore alot of the chunks seem to load very slowly but its only certain spots otherwise it runs fine. I think maybe ill try and cut the pack down some but man choosing what to cut out is a problem all in itself lol.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2013
Kearneysville, West Virginia
Try looking for mods that are trying to do similar alterations to terrain gen. I noticed extra problems when I had 2 mods both trying to flatten the bedrock layer. This can happen even in vanilla, so it might need more tweaking of javas memory handling than tweaking the mod pack ( something I don't know how to do). But the more you have adding to the world gen, the worse it tends to be, especially combined with a fast form of flight.


Yea the flight just seems to make it happen even more so. Thats how i generally test packs is in creative flight lol. But yea i do have alot of world gen mods and i know of one in particular that doesnt help. Its also one i wont give up is Mo creatures it tends to slow things down. It just adds alot of life to the world though. I wish i knew how to make a modpack list and let some of you professionals check it out. Aslo if anyone could tell me how to make a spoiler that would be great in case i do find out how to make a mod list.
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Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Yep and I feel your pain on this one. I'm running a so called lighter pack with only about 100 mods. But I have 3 in particular that kills server for terrain gen (RTG, BOP & climate control). Makes for a beautiful landscape. But generating new terrain can be hard on the server and client.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
During Zeno's push to the ends of the world, he was testing RTG, BoP, and Underground Biomes. He discovered that the main cause of delayed chunk loading in his world was caves and mineshafts doing checks to see if they could spawn - not actually spawning them, but checking to see if they could spawn. I'm not certain how (or if) he managed to fix it.


I always hate calling out mods for this or that But i think i actually found one of my problem mods, The world seems to load a little quicker now. Animania for some reason which i would never suspected that mod, but for some reason the world loads slower with it in the pack. It may not be very noticable with smaller packs but in my much larger pack pretty noticable when its in the pack and when its not.


I have that processor in my PC overclocked to 4ghz. While I'm sure Animania is the source of the problem, make sure that you have FPS improvement mods installed. They don't always improve FPS but they can speed up chunk loading times. 1.10 is riddled with terrain loading issues.

Be sure to look out for mods like BetterFPS and Optifine. Optifine has specific functions that help improve chunk loading and FPS spikes on single player servers. (This "server" is built into the game internally and has been for years now.)
You could also let Optifine load on the "Multi-core" setting, however, this can meddle with certain mod's rendering, such as Chisel's connected texture blocks.
Just remember *not* to include Optifine in the final build of your pack if you intend to release it as the mod author stated on their website and has stated in the past that they wish for their mod to be downloaded from their website directly.

In the case of Animania, check to see if the mod has been updated on Curse mods or, if it has been updated, submit an issue to the mod's issue tracker to let the developer(s) know about the problem:

For whatever reason, the mod's code isn't available om GitHub at the time of this writing, so I can't tell you what the actual problem is. From the details you have provided, I can tell it's something on the mod's "serverside", which is the side that handles entity spawning, terrain generation, saving/loading, etc.
By the looks of the mod, it seems that it is using the vanilla mob spawning system (which is flawed in itself) by preventing vanilla mobs from spawning and making sure that their mob is spawning in instead. It shouldn't stop chunks from loading that badly, but it *could*. Also, please note that this is all speculation, and that nothing I have said about Animania is based on knowledge of the mod's code. If my assumptions are correct, it won't affect the game's "FPS" as it is possible for Minecraft's serverside to crash and the clientside (rendering, mostly) to run semi-correctly. I have experienced this when modding in the past.


Yea im still trying to tweak things and it getting there But no real plans to actually release it as a modpack for the public I am hoping my motherboard for my other rig comes in the next week cause from what I have been reading it is very beneficial even playing single player to set up a server with one comp and then play single player with the server. Just making the overall game faster. Including the chunk loading. Already removed several things i did not want to remove lol. Really trying to keep that to a minimum.
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