Changing Sounds with FTB

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have looked through the folders and discovered that it looks like the FTB launcher has set up to read sounds from a folder called "sound3". I am assuming this is how they went about adding their own custom sounds to the game but I am wondering if there is a way to modify the sounds myself. I have always used custom sounds, and I hate the default breaking sound of stuff like dirt because it is just awful. They appear to have replace many of the annoying step sounds and others with some slightly more pleasant ones, but the digging sounds are still pretty much default Minecraft so far as I can tell. I tried experimenting by replacing the sounds in the "sound3" folder thinking this would not always autoupdate since it is not a default Minecraft folder, but alas, all sounds returned to what FTB had initally installed and replaced mine.

If anyone has an idea how to replace the sounds in FTB, or if the FTB could give us the option to do so, I would be eternally grateful.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well disregard my shame misunderstanding that the sound3 folder is not added by FTB, but rather it was added when Minecraft updated to 1.4. I will try that mod out. Thanks!