Hey there everyone. I'm a little new to hosting a FTB server. As of right now, I'm only looking to add the TreeAssist mod. Considering that FTB Ultimate is ran on 1.4.7 I'm using this version of it http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/tree-assist/files/27-tree-assist-v5-4-2/
I feel like I'm doing something wrong here or that I'm missing something. Looking in the 3 sticky threads, I think that adding bukkitforge would help this.
Currently, I literally have FTB:Ultimate's server data "As downloaded" or "Vanilla" with the exception of having "TreeAssist.jar" in both the "CoreMods" and "Mods" folders.
If anyone can let me know what I'm doing wrong here or what I'm missing would be great. Providing a full guide to help other's add mods to FTB would be great as well.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong here or that I'm missing something. Looking in the 3 sticky threads, I think that adding bukkitforge would help this.
Currently, I literally have FTB:Ultimate's server data "As downloaded" or "Vanilla" with the exception of having "TreeAssist.jar" in both the "CoreMods" and "Mods" folders.
If anyone can let me know what I'm doing wrong here or what I'm missing would be great. Providing a full guide to help other's add mods to FTB would be great as well.