Bugs With Redpower Control

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So recently I automated my whole base using computercraft computers and was very happy with it, I found the whole experience learning Lua and implementing it rather enjoyable. But after I stood back and looked at my base in all it's automated glory I thought there's no challenge anymore Lua is easy, so I set out to learn Forth. Forth is actually really easy to learn so I decided to implement it into a frame quarry. I built a basic circuit, the idea being that coloured cable would trigger the frame quarry through wireless redstone. No here is the problem: firstly I cannot change the BUS ID on anything, secondly when I destroy an IO expander it duplicates, and lastly it appears that the IO expander is not outputting a signal. has anyone else experienced this and know how to fix it.
here is a link to the setup and code: http://imgur.com/a/ZaeC1
sorry if this isn't the right place to post this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK should of done more research, reddit has informed me that the patch mentioned in a previous post will also fix my problem