Big Reactors Energy Output

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Hi everyone

I have recently just started playing ftb infinity evolved and i'm at the point where i need to start thinking about a better power option apposed to my current setup of steam dynamos. I've started playing around with big reactors and i made a 3x3 passive cooled design and i have noticed once the it gets to its max energy output it slowly start to go down, about 1rf/t per 5 seconds. So my question is am i doing something wrong so this to be happening, i tried going into a creative world to test some other designs using different patterns that i found on google for the fuel rods and using cryotheum or resonant ender and still noticed the same thing with the energy output.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The big reactor burns fuel (yellorium) to produce RF. As it does so, the fuel gets used up. The reactor however is fed ingots (or blocks) and cannot top up its fuel level until it has accumulate at least an ingots worth of waste to eject. As the smallest size reactor (iirc) holds 4 ingots worth of fuel this means the reactor will cycle between 100% to 75% and back again as it produces energy.


I never though to try having it automated, i just tried it out and works just like you said. Thanks for your help and for such a quick response