So use a reactor design that doesn't use vents or exchangers that pull from the reactor hull. The component exchangers, component vents, and advanced vents work well. Many MOX designs I've seen use the advanced vents exclusively, just placing a couple of them next to double or quad MOX fuel rods and filling the rest of the space in the reactor with heat plating.I know about this and i've tried it,but heat vents and heat exchangers will cool it down to 0%.
Hi guys
I just wanted to ask if someone has some better design for mox-fueled nuclear reactor,that doesn't need cool downs and has best output ?
Design im curently using produces 420eu/t with no cooldowns
This design (0A140A140A140A140A060A0C0A0C0A0C0A060A140A140A0C0A140A0C0A0C0A060A0C0A0C0A140A140A140A140A060A0C0A0C0A0C0A06) looks very interesting,it will keep the same heat,but sometime i had to change component though..... But thanks for this design. Now i only have to think about how to preheat it without blowing up
PS: first pre-heat and then put components in it right ?
Ok, i'll keep that in mind...Were I to design a MOX reactor, I'd go through a process something like this:
- Can an advanced vent (or four) completely cool a MOX fuel rod? What about a double or quad MOX fuel rod?
- Were I to stuff a reactor full of MOX rods surrounded by just enough advanced vents to cool them, would I be satisfied with the reactor's output and efficiency?
- If I were to place some MOX rods next to each other to boost the reactor's efficiency, could I still cool it with advanced vents alone?
- If not, is the excess heat low enough that adding component heat vents can cover it?
- If not, is the excess heat low enough that component exchangers can at least move heat away from the fuel rods as fast as the rods produce it?
- If so, is there enough space in the reactor that the heat could be distributed to enough vents to deal with it?
- If so, is there enough extra space to put in more fuel rods and cooling?
- In any case, if I rearranged the fuel rods entirely, could I get more out of the reactor?
Some things to keep in mind:
- Advanced vents will not transfer heat into or out of themselves. They will not function unless an adjacent fuel cell or exchanger pushes heat into them.
- Component exchangers will not vent heat, but they do transfer heat both into and out of themselves. They have a limited throughput, as GreenZombie notes. However, it's also worth noting that this limit applies to each individual exchanger- if you need to get more than 36 heat per second away from a component, you can place exchangers on more than one side of it. Also, if you place two component exchangers next to each other, one will push heat into the other, while the second pulls heat from the first, giving a total of 72 heat per second transferred between them. This is really only useful if one of those exchangers is heated directly by a fuel rod or another component exchanger, as there's really no other way to get more than 36 heat per second into the exchanger in the first place. Also, if you find yourself having to do this, you're dedicating a lot of space to shuffling heat around, rather than actually venting it. Rearranging your fuel rods is likely a better option, but it could work in a pinch.
- Component heat vents will vent 4 heat per second from each adjacent component that stores heat. They themselves, like fuel rods, cannot store or transfer heat. So the most efficient way to use them is to completely surround them with exchangers or other types of vents. For this reason, you'll often see component vents in diagonal lines or in a grid pattern, as this exposes all four sides of each vent to other components. Also, placing a component vent adjacent to a fuel rod will do absolutely no good.
- The safest MOX reactors never transfer heat between the reactor hull and the fuel rods or other components inside, at least after the initial setup. Hence the focus on component exchangers, component vents, and advanced vents, which do not interact with the reactor hull at all. This also means that every single fuel rod must be touching at least one component that stores heat- that is, a component exchanger or an advanced vent. As such, you can't get the maximum theoretical efficiency (7, before the heat bonus is taken into account) out of this type of reactor... but the MOX heat bonus more than makes up for that, and the known 7-efficiency conventional reactor designs are pretty terrible anyway, requiring single-use neutron reflectors, very short duty cycles, or both.
- As mentioned before, this style of reactor must be heated up manually before the MOX bonus will kick in. I recommend doing this by first setting up all the components in the reactor, then adding the fuel rods, running the reactor for a bit just to make sure that it's stable, then removing all the heat-storing components adjacent to one of the fuel rods, running the reactor briefly to heat up the hull to around 80-84% (any higher and it'll turn stuff nearby into lava), and finally replacing the removed components to make the reactor stable again. If you overheat it, turn the reactor off and swap out one of the fuel rods, vents, or exchangers with a basic, reactor, or overclocked heat exchanger until the temperature drops below 85%.
- Designs that use only one type of component that needs to be replaced periodically are very easy to automate, as long as every single slot in the reactor is filled (with fuel rods, components, or heat plating), as spend fuel rods can be pulled out any slots they appear in, and fresh fuel rods can be stuffed into any and all available slots. Designs that use neutron reflectors or mix single, double, or quad fuel rods require that different components be placed in different slots in the reactor without mixing them up with each other, which is much more difficult to do. In fact, I'm not certain that there are any mods in the current modded Minecraft landscape that can pull it off. I've used MiscPeripherals for this purpose in the past, as well as Factorization routers, but those things no longer exist. (MiscPeripherals is no longer being maintained, and at some point Factorization removed the routers in favor of servos).
Here's an alternative which is more fuel efficient, but doesn't produce as much EU/t:
As you can see, it only used 4x double MOX, so it uses significantly less fuel per cycle, but only generates about half as much EU/t as your other one. Something to consider if you are low on MOX fuel still.
Yep. This is the standard Go-To reactor for Infinity Expert players who just want plutonium and don't care about efficient energy generation.An interesting generator I came up with for a very specific purpose: Chewing through your Uranium to produce as much Plutonium as possible. It is a simple reactor:
basically, a grid with single-rod fuel rods and basic heat vents. Not too interesting, the least efficient reactor in the game, but it produces 27 spent rods per cycle. Also makes 135 EU/t, but that's not really the point of this reactor, power is secondary.
To my knowledge, this produces more spent rods per cycle than any other reactor design I have found. Very good if you are wanting to make MOX/RTG fuel.
An interesting generator I came up with for a very specific purpose: Chewing through your Uranium to produce as much Plutonium as possible. It is a simple reactor:
basically, a grid with single-rod fuel rods and basic heat vents. Not too interesting, the least efficient reactor in the game, but it produces 27 spent rods per cycle. Also makes 135 EU/t, but that's not really the point of this reactor, power is secondary.
To my knowledge, this produces more spent rods per cycle than any other reactor design I have found. Very good if you are wanting to make MOX/RTG fuel.
Not as easily automated without something like CC or SFM or something, but possible, I suppose. Nice!Lets edit that knowlede and insert this design into the library with no less than 42 fuel rods worth of plutonium per cycle. (yes, it is automatable)