Updated to 1.1.4 from 1.1.3. Forgot Biomes O Plenty was disabled by default, and my world had been generated with it enabled. Got some cryptic "missing IDs" which I ignored, then found loads of bits of my world were missing. Double checked the mod list and realised I should have enabled them again.
So this world is probably unrecoverable now, and I've learnt an important lesson in taking backups.
As a request though, could the launcher make some basic checks before potentially trashing worlds? For example "You generated this world with a different set of mods - are you sure you want to destroy all your hard work when all those unrecognised blocks get deleted?"
So this world is probably unrecoverable now, and I've learnt an important lesson in taking backups.
As a request though, could the launcher make some basic checks before potentially trashing worlds? For example "You generated this world with a different set of mods - are you sure you want to destroy all your hard work when all those unrecognised blocks get deleted?"