Automated Chorus Fruit/Flower Farm


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wanted to make a huge base made out of primal voidstone. Problem is that it required a lot of Chorus fruit.
I tried a lot of things trying to figure out how those new plants work and how i could automate it.
I couldn't find anything about automation of these things online and since i figured it out i decided to share my findings :).

Here is the overall picture

As you can see i made 4 rooms of 5x5x7 interior in order to "guide" the plant.
In every room i have a mechanical user placing the Chorus Flower and after 10 minutes it pulses the builders linked to the top space chambers.
These move the flowers to the bottom and here they are harvested by the mechanical users (set to Use item on block and left click, no item needed) and picked up by strategic placed ranged collectors from AA.
Then a few seconds after the first set of builders activate the 2nd set activates to move the bottom layer of flowers to the same spot where they are harvested.
3 seconds later a 3 second pulse activates the last mechanical users next to base of the plants which break the rest of the plant.
Then at last a new flower is replanted. This system only runs when the lever in front is on. When turned off it will finish its current cycle and wont replant a new one.

Here is the SCM Circuit that i currently have. This isn't final since i am debating of adding a 3th space chamber set between the current ones to increase the amount of flowers harvested.
But it looks like this setups has a slight surplus of flowers with about 1-2 stacks of fruit an hour. This is however easily expandable (could really use an offset option on space chamber cards)