Open Astral Sorcery tree beacon with Menril sapling crashes server



Summary of the problem Astral Sorcery tree beacon with Menril sapling crashes server

Pack Version 1.10.0

What is the bug? Setting up an Astral Sorcery tree beacon to harvest menril trees seems to crash the server. The tree will grow and appear transparent, harvesting a bit initially but at some point (a minute in during test) causes the server to be unresponsive and crash.

Mod & Version Astral Sorcery 1.12.2 - 1.8.2
Industrial Foregoing 1.12.2 - 1.12.1

Link to log file N/A

Is it repeatable? Yes
1. Put down a tree beacon
2. Put down a celestial crystal collector
3. Link the two with a linker
4. Put down two menril saplings near the tree beacon
5. Bone meal both
6. Wait a bit and look at different blocks
7. During test - within a minute you'll see Waiting for Server...

Known Fix Don't use astral sorcery tree beacon for menril tree.