aPerf Config

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Edit: How do you setup aPerf so that no more then 10 of something appear in a chunk. Example being no more then 10 pigs at a time. I want this for everything though is that possible?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right, go into the initial permissions.yml file and rename the default group that starts there to 'guest' I think it has an option saying build: true
change that to false and remove the permissions for modifyworld.

use the commands from console to set up the ranks:

/pex group member create guest -- this simply means create a group called member which inherits the traits of the guest group
/pex group moderator create member -- same as above but it inherits the traits of member and in turn moderator
/pex group admin create moderator -- I think you get the gist of it by now

You can then add in each permission still through console again with commands (bear in mind you MUST give the first group you want capable to build the permission: modifyworld.*)
use the command:

/pex group member add modifyworld.*

that will give that permission to member, moderator and admin due to the inheritance features you set up.
Now I don't use mytown so I don't know the permission nodes, but if you go to their bukkit page, I'm sure there will be a list, from here on in it will be as simple as typing out every permission using the command above, and changing member to moderator / admin where required.

After this you may want to add a prefix, for example a colour for each group or a part where it tells you exactly what rank each person is:
use the command:

/pex group moderator prefix &9Mod
for example this will make the moderator group members have names which start with Mod and written in dark blue

If you don't want to do it with commands, and instead would rather do it in the yml file, below is parts of my pex file - you can basically substitute in the permission nodes you want - just remember not to use the tab button at all and instead just use spaces.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Awesome thank you for all of the help :D
the file didnt come with a build: true though, do I just need to type that and it'll work though?

Also how do I make it so members cant make mystcraft pages/portal gun/grav gun? and then make it so mods/admin can?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sorry ignore the build true option, it was a feature of pex at the 1.2.5 stages - had forgotten it had been phased out. You can pretty much copy what I gave you above and just add in a new default group at the beginning called guest.

If you want to do that then your best bet to install a plugin called tekkit customizer. In its config you can ban ownership, crafting, usage, placement or just straight up in the world, then you can add permission nodes to your pex groups allowing for it to be overridden.

for example; say you wanted to ban chunk loaders, to everyone but admins, in the admin section you would put:

- tekkitcustomizer.243.0.own
- tekkitcustomizer.243.0.craft

I would strongly recommend banning both crafting and ownership, this is because there are ways to bypass crafting bans, such as auto crafting, and most of your members won't be very impressed if they go through the effort of making something, only to have it confiscated seconds later (blocking ownership and crafting makes it so there is no way to make it or own it without the correct permission node) To add to that if you also ban it from placement, other machines like deployers and turtles can't place the item for them. (believe me, some people go to ridiculous lengths to have items like chunk loaders placed)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well damn haha, will that tekkitcustomizer work for FTB? I am pretty terrible with plugins n whatnot so I am trying to avoid adding more as much as possible xP

scratch that its working I just gotta get all the item ids n whatnot


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yea, the only bad thing about tekkit customizer is that there isn't any in game commands to ban items, but other than that it works great


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
okay so I got all the mytown stuf done and am working on the tekkit customizer, now Ijust need Aperf settled and am good to go xP


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone know how to setup aPerf to make is to that if someone is using any kind of spawner that no more then 10 of the thing will show up at a time?