I was searching information about the exact mecanics of the reactors in terms of generation (mainly steam), with the radiation system and interaction with coolant/moderators and stuff, and while for turbines all i need is easily found with all the equations explained here , the only relyable source of information for the reactors themselves that i found (not counting spreadsheets, i'm searching for the rules that are applied not the results of different setups) is this which explain 0.2 mecanics and apparently in 0.3 these were entirely rewritten as said in the changelog so it may be obsolete by now. Hopefully their flowchart is still the same and only the numbers are changed, but then these values are the main part of what i'm searching for. If someone know the mod enought for that, know where i can find the documentation that i need, or is capable of figuring out these data in the code itself he/she would be golden. Thank you in advance and have a good day