So, quantum network bridge. Connected to my up and coming Apiary and as the housing is floating and a little away from my main base i used E-tesseract and thought as i have 36 steam engines (244MJ) there should be more than enough power either way (there was a minor mistake when i was connecting some new machines. less to say i didn't really need the engines at the time but i have more than enough resource, so why not).
anyway, the current set up seem sto be drain far more power than its said to take. even at 40MJ/t that not even have of what i'm producing. so the set goes E-Tesseract > EnergyCell > EnergyConduit. I reduced the output of the EnergyCell to 40 MJ/t and thats when i noticed even thought its clearly recieving 100 MJ/t it still outing more than its receiving. So i hooked two Energy cells to the quantum bridge. result, Q-Bridge then takes just as much from both E-Cells???
I Have exact same setup for the LaserAssemble E-Cells for storage out aligned with Usage. in the Q-bridge case it doesn't matter how much energy i give it. Or how much the E-Cells are receiving (max 100 MJ/t per cell) as soon as i give the Q-bridge the required amount or more than it just takes everything.
anyone got any idea's?
anyway, the current set up seem sto be drain far more power than its said to take. even at 40MJ/t that not even have of what i'm producing. so the set goes E-Tesseract > EnergyCell > EnergyConduit. I reduced the output of the EnergyCell to 40 MJ/t and thats when i noticed even thought its clearly recieving 100 MJ/t it still outing more than its receiving. So i hooked two Energy cells to the quantum bridge. result, Q-Bridge then takes just as much from both E-Cells???
I Have exact same setup for the LaserAssemble E-Cells for storage out aligned with Usage. in the Q-bridge case it doesn't matter how much energy i give it. Or how much the E-Cells are receiving (max 100 MJ/t per cell) as soon as i give the Q-bridge the required amount or more than it just takes everything.
anyone got any idea's?