I've found a bunch of information available for how to add mods to my single player world, about ID conflict resolution, etc. etc. I have not, however, found any information about how to address ID conflicts so that I can add IC2 Advanced Machines Addon (previously included in FTB Ultimate, removed from Unleashed/Unhinged) to a server. I would also like to include xycraft if possible.
Let me preface my questions with this: I run my own server for myself and a few of my friends, and I do not just arbitrarily know what you mean when you say "change the block ID," so pretend you're speaking to a beginner. Actually, don't pretend.
First, is it even possible to add IC2 Advanced Machines (again, the same version previously included in FTB Ultimate) to a brand new FTB Unleashed server (possible bugs notwithstanding)?
Second, if this is possible, can someone explain how to add it to an FTB Unleashed server? Please don't violate any forum rules on my behalf trying to explain this crap to me, that is definitely not my intention.
Third, while the advanced machines are the priority, if it is not possible to follow the same procedure to add xycraft to FTB Unleashed, for example, can you explain that as well?
I have tried simply adding the file to my server mods folder, which definitely didn't work. Server crash log is located here:
Thanks in advance!
I've found a bunch of information available for how to add mods to my single player world, about ID conflict resolution, etc. etc. I have not, however, found any information about how to address ID conflicts so that I can add IC2 Advanced Machines Addon (previously included in FTB Ultimate, removed from Unleashed/Unhinged) to a server. I would also like to include xycraft if possible.
Let me preface my questions with this: I run my own server for myself and a few of my friends, and I do not just arbitrarily know what you mean when you say "change the block ID," so pretend you're speaking to a beginner. Actually, don't pretend.
First, is it even possible to add IC2 Advanced Machines (again, the same version previously included in FTB Ultimate) to a brand new FTB Unleashed server (possible bugs notwithstanding)?
Second, if this is possible, can someone explain how to add it to an FTB Unleashed server? Please don't violate any forum rules on my behalf trying to explain this crap to me, that is definitely not my intention.
Third, while the advanced machines are the priority, if it is not possible to follow the same procedure to add xycraft to FTB Unleashed, for example, can you explain that as well?
I have tried simply adding the file to my server mods folder, which definitely didn't work. Server crash log is located here:
Thanks in advance!