Newbie to this forum, please be gentle!
I'm using the DW20 mod pack that accompanies his Let's Play season 8. I'm fairly new to using MC mods, so I've been going very carefully and slowly.
DW20's item laser relay sorting system worked totally fine to begin with. But then, very often, and for no reason that I can see, it stops working, and items which used to get moved, don't. If I break the chain of relays and then then reinstate it, the system usually works again. Everything is in the standard DW20 9x9 base building, so distances are short.
I'm obviously missing something fundamental. Really grateful for any pointers, please?
I'm using the DW20 mod pack that accompanies his Let's Play season 8. I'm fairly new to using MC mods, so I've been going very carefully and slowly.
DW20's item laser relay sorting system worked totally fine to begin with. But then, very often, and for no reason that I can see, it stops working, and items which used to get moved, don't. If I break the chain of relays and then then reinstate it, the system usually works again. Everything is in the standard DW20 9x9 base building, so distances are short.
I'm obviously missing something fundamental. Really grateful for any pointers, please?