About 10k coolant cells

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I can't make 10k coolant cells. I read through the other threads about this and my issue doesn't seem to be addressed.

I used the fluid/solid canning machine to fill a universal cell with coolant. The wiki says that empty cells have been replaced by universal coolant cells so this seems to be my only option... I think.

The issue: When I then try to make the 10k coolant cell from the crafting table out of the recipe (the cell of coolant surrounded by tin plates) nothing happens.

The only problem I can think of is that the item I'm receiving from the canning machine is still called a universal fluid cell and not a coolant cell.

Does anyone else have any idea what it might be? I'm trying to make overclockers :(


I'm playing Infinity Evolved pack. I was thinking of trying Revelation though, as it uses a more recent version of minecraft. At any rate, I was able to find the recipe for empty cells. Tin plates in a metal former on extruder mode xD.

Still thinking of trying Revelation though. For the above mentioned reason.
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