A question about modding in general

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've been dealing with hosting a server and swapping mods in and out a lot in recent months and I've kind of come to a conclusion. ID conflicts are a terrible deal and I'm sure FTB has an unpleasant time dealing with all of the config managements all the time. So I was wondering a little something... Why doesn't someone start a system sort of like, or a part of, Forge, that would just host a database of ids for all mods. Ask Dinnerbone to ensure that Minecraft Vanilla has an alotted 5000 lines not to be touched, and then modders can submit their ids anywhere else on it. It's like, just a massive 100,000 line text database/webpage. If that was started and maintained, basically any involved mods would find themselves becoming a lot more easily compatible with every other mod for the little guy server hosters.. And it'd just be a generally good practice for other reasons I can't think of at the moment being a some what of a casual experience level mod user. No more needing to sort out ids through configs for each new modpack, versions would no longer require new configuring, and all the individual modpacks that have different ids would be hotswappable between each other, including their worlds.

Just a thought. It would save many player worlds if it was a thing.. Rather than putting all the weight on very tedious and difficult, and frequently unsuccessful due to petty errors, id changing and mcediting for the end user. It would be very easy for the developers (Atleast once the infrastructure was created)

Edit: This is as much a question as a suggestion, because I'm sure I can't be the first person to come up with an idea like this. Is there reasoning why this is an unreasonable or atleast unideal, idea?
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Mojang already has a long term solution in the pipes.
(which involves repeatedly breaking every mod, requires total rebuilds from the ground up and is a generally untested theoretical concept)
Short term theres already a unofficial list(s) somewhere.

Also what happens when a mod needs more IDs?
say they have No's 5294-97, but need a few more- the next could be 7539- which is a total pig for the modder.​

or if someone reserves a load of IDs they don't use, or a mod is no longer updated?

actually even needing to reserve IDs would be a hassle for modders


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personal commentary:
  1. You can't central plan something like this. No, really, it just doesn't work in a community like this, particularly since the Minecraft modding community started in spite of Mojang rather than with its encouragement. Mojang's official outward stance towards the modded game continues to be... aloof.
  2. That said, Minecraft 1.7 renders the ID discussion relatively moot, as long as mods have intelligent names for things. Of course, this has thrown a massive monkey wrench into the update cycle, but a number of the big-ticket mods seem to be creeping towards functionality again. Once we're up to speed in 1.7, though, this problem should have gone away.
Also, thread relocated to General FTB Chat. Just "Chat" is for other banter.