So I've hit a bit of a stump in my minecraft playing. I have one of those memories that if I see something done, I don't really need to do it as I can re-create it in my memory and feel as if I have experienced, and accomplished it. I've come to the point where I've done anything I felt worth doing even after having been through the process mentally. As such most games have 0 replay value for me but minecraft was generally different because I could change what I was doing. Now I've hit the point where nothing is new and I have no desire to do what I've done again. So I'd like any random feedback you'd be willing to give on what I can do to re-ignite the spark of minecraft.
I've open to most ideas if not all, even if biased against those that add artificial length to the game(Any sort of repetitious activity to achieve a similar goal without said mod. They serve no purpose for me).
I've open to most ideas if not all, even if biased against those that add artificial length to the game(Any sort of repetitious activity to achieve a similar goal without said mod. They serve no purpose for me).