7gb fml-client-3 log

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So, I decided to see why my C folder was in red... And found this:


What's up with that? Can I delete it? I moved it to another drive just in case.


I can't see your pic, but if it looks like my old issue, something may be very wrong with your s

Yeah, I could see it in the preview but it didn't show up once I posted it and wasn't allowed to edit it. It was a screen cap of a single 7.2 gb .txt log file in the ftb folder.

Anyway, being a save from skyfactory 3 I don't really know how it could get corrupted that bad in such a short time (just got past the 100 day marker on the corner)

The only two things that come to mind are the chickens mod that may be SERIOUSLY buggy or something... Or that multimc is, for some reason, spamming and saving everything in a forge log. I'm leaning more to the latter.

Also, it's not like I have any issues ingame besides the typical minecraft frame drop.