3D Playing

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I have recently bought an Oculus Quest 2 which came with the option of playing Minecraft 3D. This looks nice but ... I don't play Vanilla Minecraft before after trying modded Minecraft YEARS ago, I never could go back to a vanilla server. The thing is, I did try the 3D version of Minecraft just to see how it played, after 5 minutes of playing it, I realized that the only thing missing was my mod packs from here.

So my question, is there a 3D version or some way of making it so I can play feed-the-beast in a 3D setting with these mod packs. I can't play the 3D without these mods and I really love the immense 3D look in the game. If it hasn't been done, is it something we could do in the future since VR is the gaming of the future?

Just some food for thought or idea just in case it hasn't been done. If it has been done, what do I need to do to set it up so I can do it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nevermind, found out Vivecraft works for doing this. But I would suggest adding Vivecraft to servers and clients in the future automatically so that those not on VR can see us moving freely and doing cool things.