Open 2.3.3: Anointing Paste Can't Be Crafted

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
With the removal of Mana Petals from Botania, anointing paste can not be crafted to proceed in the magic tree. It breaks another recipe somewhere as well, but I'm not sure what that one is. The anointing paste is the most significant one though. Updating Botania r1.8-147 as it vastly changed recipes and may cause additional re balancing to need to come into play.

Mod & Version: log:

Can it be repeated:
Easily Repeated as it is a crafting bug.

Known Fix:
Change the custom MineTweaker scripts to allow for Mana Powder. For now it can be cheated in through NEI by the player for use if they wish to proceed or they can attempt to amend the scripts themselves.
I thought they would've fixed this... Why didn't they?

I feel like the recipe with Mana Powder doesn't work very well with the other ingredients, and Mystical Cyan Petals are too easy, so how about we have the Mystical Cyan Flower AgriCraft seeds, and then have something else in the center, maybe Mana in a Bottle?

EDIT: Scripts for said recipe:

# - Anointing Paste
mods.agricraft.SeedMutation.add(<witchery:seedsmandrake>, <minecraft:wheat_seeds>, <witchery:seedsartichoke>);
mods.agricraft.SeedMutation.add(<witchery:seedsbelladonna>, <witchery:seedsmandrake>, <witchery:seedsartichoke>);
mods.agricraft.SeedMutation.add(<witchery:seedssnowbell>, <witchery:seedsmandrake>, <witchery:seedsbelladonna>);
recipes.addShaped(<witchery:ingredient:153>, [[<witchery:seedsartichoke>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <witchery:seedsmandrake>], [<ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <Botania:manaBottle>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>], [<witchery:seedsbelladonna>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <witchery:seedssnowbell>]]);
recipes.addShaped(<witchery:ingredient:153>, [[<witchery:seedssnowbell>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <witchery:seedsartichoke>], [<ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <Botania:manaBottle>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>], [<witchery:seedsmandrake>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <witchery:seedsbelladonna>]]);
recipes.addShaped(<witchery:ingredient:153>, [[<witchery:seedsbelladonna>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <witchery:seedssnowbell>], [<ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <Botania:manaBottle>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>], [<witchery:seedsartichoke>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <witchery:seedsmandrake>]]);
recipes.addShaped(<witchery:ingredient:153>, [[<witchery:seedsmandrake>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <witchery:seedsbelladonna>], [<ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <Botania:manaBottle>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>], [<witchery:seedssnowbell>, <ore:seedBotaniaCyan>, <witchery:seedsartichoke>]]);
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This has still not been fixed as of the current version of the modpack. I play on a server and have no control over adding scripts, so we need to get the updated mods into an updated modpack to resolve all these numerous game-breaking bugs that have appeared in v2.3.3!

Edit: I have been informed that v2.3.4 of the modpack will indeed include the changes/bugfixes, allowing us to progress thru the magical mods.

Thank you!
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