Blindwolves: Runescape Gods Exposed is brought to you by the general store. [GAME THREAD] [Ended]

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Are you town?

  • I sure am!

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • I am not telling you...

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
The town of Armadillo (or at least I think it reads that) wakes up to horror. The major, BigdBigd has died a horrible death. It seems like he has been ripped apart by multiple sets of claws and teeth. Traces show that there must have been at least five attackers, of which one left human footsteps and the rest huge wolf paw prints. Since wolves, especially big bad ones, have been prohibited from existence since the LRRHG&P-resolution* was adopted, it is assumed that there are werewolves in Demiville (or maybe it is Demoville?). It’s a good thing that the old retired hunter is still in town, even though he’s not as skilled as he used to be and might chicken out and flee immediately.

That chance may be very real, as, upon hearing this news, DylanPiera, Zexy and CorpseCat immediately skip town. Goreae however, whom all of you can trust, claims he had a vision about an epic verbal battle between a psychic and a very old and a very young wolf, assuring all people who are left that these three are still among them.

As townfolk, you agree to shoot one person every evening, hoping that silver bullets will prove to not be lethal to non-werewolves, to save the future of Randalburg (is that what it says?).

*Little Red Riding Hood, Goats & Pigs - resolution

End of Day

Roles that are used in this particular game:
  • Goreae is the innocent. He is 100% town, allowed to vote, but he can be killed or turned by the werewolves, so be cautious.
  • The Beardless wolf, a Seer and the Infectious Wolf
  • These following roles, except three random roles: A Seer, a Witch, a 1-shot Hunter, a 2-shot Poacher, a Delusional, a Nosy Wolf, a Moon Moon, a Cupid, an Angel and 2 Villagers
  1. Erin - Infectious wolf (lynched D5)
  2. Fowl - Angel
  3. Goreae - One Innocent Man (killed N2)
  4. Letho - Poacher (lynched D1)
  5. Nojr - Seer
  6. Profrags - The Delusional (lynched D2)
  7. Pyure - Moon-moon (killed N1)
  8. RealKC - Beardless Wolf (lynched D3)
  9. RJS - Hunter (killed N3)
  10. SE37 - Vanillager
  11. Shazam - Nosy Wolf (lynched D4)
  12. Vikes - Vanillager
Most important rules about posting:
  • If you are not in the player list, please do not post on this thread. The next game will likely start in a week or so; you can join it then. (Yes SE, I stole this from you.)
  • Everyone has to vote for the lynch every day.
  • Votes must be cast in the format ##vote <person>. Boldfacing votes is nice, but not required.
  • If you don't vote, you will get smitten by the GM.
  • You have one LoL guardian angel (also known as grace-smite), saving you from at most one GM smite.
  • Ghosting is discouraged, as you may say something that makes sense and for that, get GM-smitten and excluded from victory.
  • This list does not void the other rules described in the rolesheet.
It is ok for players to post in this thread now (D1).
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Roles have been divided, wolf convo has started and role convos have been distributed.
... That stuff takes longer than I expected it to. Glad I made a todo list. :)

D1 has now started. Feel free to post your accusations of distrust and vote away! Day's end can be found in the OP.
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##Vote Realkc

now,now. We must support our mayor regardless of who is in office. The town of rojinville( not sure if thats what it is) must stand together and face this horrible evil attack.
Hah, kickass, I found the game thread.

Vote RJS because that guy is totally a wolf. I mean I can see him right here in this special convo. Hi RJS!
You do realise that according to Robijn's rules your vote is as meaningless as your accusation right? :P
Just a general PSA: I would recommend spamming goreae with roleclaims ASAP. Even if the wolves get him tonight then we have a decent shot at narrowing the field before D1 even ends. Might as well use and abuse the advantage we have.
Heya! Life of the party's here. The party's gonna be pretty inactive for a few days.

##Vote Vikestep
. He's about to point out that I'm here the first day, I can feel it. :P
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btw, my vote on SE37 is legit. I don't like that he did it to see my reaction and then told me... it means you didn't really want to see my reaction otherwise you wouldn't have said so.
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Just a general PSA: I would recommend spamming goreae with roleclaims ASAP. Even if the wolves get him tonight then we have a decent shot at narrowing the field before D1 even ends. Might as well use and abuse the advantage we have.
I play werewolf for fun, not for wins. Doing this kills the fun.