152 Inventory Controls?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I downloaded the beta 1.5.2 modpack with gregtech and I had a couple questions about inventory controls.

First: It seems like R is now the default key to sort your inventory, which conflicts with the NEI Recipe key (ok, doesn't really conflict, it just fights with it - R now sorts AND looks up a recipe). Is there some way to change this?

Second: Back in Ultimate pack, you could use the scroll-wheel to quickly transfer a single item between inventories. This no longer seems to function. How come? Is there a different inventory management mod now?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found the answer to the first one, so I thought I'd share. Open an inventory (such as your own, or a chest) and click on the "..." button. Then change the "Sort key:" from R to the desired new key.

I haven't found out why the scroll wheel isn't working anymore, but I did find out that if you ctrl+click an item, it'll function very much the same as scroll wheel up did (albeit not *quite* as convenient).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As far as I know, the inventory management is the same (InvTweaks and NEI), but I think that the scroll wheel thing was disabled by whichever added it. Don't know the reason, but you can go hunt their changelogs, which will probably tell you.