ip: ancapistan.zapto.org
on the downside it might be a bit laggy but it'll run 24/7 and it's also public. I also don't plan to really ban people unless they become a HUGE nuiscance (IE constant persistent spam and/or hacking/cheating)
you can also get on the mumble I sometimes go on: voluntarist.net (default port)
I'm not always on it but yeah.
I'm pjwaffle on the server and Ashley__ on the mumble.
on the downside it might be a bit laggy but it'll run 24/7 and it's also public. I also don't plan to really ban people unless they become a HUGE nuiscance (IE constant persistent spam and/or hacking/cheating)
you can also get on the mumble I sometimes go on: voluntarist.net (default port)
I'm not always on it but yeah.
I'm pjwaffle on the server and Ashley__ on the mumble.