1 Day Modded Minecraft Achievement Challenge


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Challenge: Complete as many achievements as possible before the onset of the first night.

Rules: Load up your favorite huge modpack, start a new world and begin completing as many achievements as humanely possible. Try to limit the time spent in the pause menu looking up achievements.

When the sky gets completely dark, time is up. Go to the pause menu and count up the number of achievements taken. You get 1 point for every achievement taken. Now deduct 1 point for every 30 seconds in the pause menu looking up achievements. The result is your challenge total.

So, how many achievements can you get in 1 day. Post your results here.

I already took the challenge earlier, and here are my results.

Modpack being used: Fluxgalaxy
Total Number of Achievements Taken: 13
Amount of time spent looking up achievements: about 90 seconds
Total Challenge Points: 10

List of Achievements:
Minecraft: Taking Inventory, Getting Wood, Benchmarking, Time to Farm, Time to Strike, Time to Mine, Getting an Upgrade, Hot Topic
Botania: Sky of Beginning
Buildcraft: A Bit Rough Around the Edges, Hard as a Rock
Tinkers Construct: Learning to Tinker, Stencil Worker

Summary: i made good time at start. I started in the midst of a jungle, so already I was facing an uphill battle as finding many of the resources for some of the achievements would take too much time. However, i didn't maximize the time I had, like building an axe to collect the jungle wood. Collecting the wood took me alot of time. As soon as I felt I collected enough wood to do what I felt I could get accomplished, i started looking for a rock wall and when I found one immediately started digging into it. Again, I should have started using my stone pickaxe as soon as I made it instead of continuing to work with my wood one. That took time away from me. When time ran out, I was trying to make my first tinker's tool, but I did not have the resources or the time to do it. With that said, if I was able to manage my time better, i might have completed the tinkers' tool achievement and maybe a couple of others, however due to the general lack of easy to get to resources, the number of achievements that I could take within the given timeframe was quite limited.

So that is the report of my first try at this challenge, I will do it again to see if I can best it.