Open 1.8.2: Harvested Pam's crops occasionally vanishing when harvested


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
In my farm, about 1/6th of the time, when I right click a plant from Pam's (it possibly affects other crops but I haven't seen it), the food item pops off the plant as usual, but almost instantly vanishes before I can collect it. The plant resets to 0% growth as normal, and most of the time I actually get the harvested food, but for some reason occasionally they just vanish into thin air when harvested. I'm not using Agricraft crops or anything, just normal irrigated farmland in a big open field. There's no problem reported in the console or logs. There's no steady pattern, none of the plants seem to be more or less likely to vanish like this, just a constant random chance my harvested food will just not exist.

Mod & Version:
Pam's Harvestcraft log:

Can it be repeated:
I haven't seen anybody else post about this, so I don't know if I'm doing anything in particular to contribute to it. It's just a big open farm in the latest version of Infinity, planted in a plains.

Known Fix:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is because Harvestcraft plants automatically replant themselves when right clicked. It means that on that specific occasion the plant only yielded one of whatever kind of food you were growing, which it then used to replant the crop.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
Hazmatik is correct, this behavior happens also with vanilla Minecraft crops. This is not actually a bug, it's just that there was only one seed yielded from the plant and that you got no product in return from harvesting it as a result of having to replant it.

I've seen this behavior even with Minecraft potato and carrot crops found in worldgen, therefore it's been around for quite some time! Hope that helps! :D

Edit to add: it's also interesting to note that multiple drop crops like wheat or barley that yield a seed separately from the product at the time of harvesting are also similarly affected. But you probably don't notice it as much because you're after the product not the seed. ;)

Cheers ...
