- FTB Pack-Code: "toolbox"
- Available on Curse: (search) "The Scientist's Toolbox: 2.0" OR "StormyMode"
- Curse Project Link: Click Here
- Modpack Author's Ranting Page: Click Here
//Main Credits -
StormyMode - Modpack Author
BrizzleMFD - Contributor/Supporter
Amadornes - Contributor/Supporter
//Other Honorable Mentions -
DanLPMC - Tester/Supporter
Skyefm1 - Supporter [And a good friend
StormyMode - Modpack Author
BrizzleMFD - Contributor/Supporter
Amadornes - Contributor/Supporter
//Other Honorable Mentions -
DanLPMC - Tester/Supporter
Skyefm1 - Supporter [And a good friend
"Wipe the dust from your Toolbox. Break the lock from your Toolbox. And drop-kick your front door down. It's back and reawakened!" -StormyMode '2016
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