[1.7.10][TC][URGENT]This bugger ruined my life :( :O

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Yeah so i host a smp server and everything was good and stuff. I have a base which has tons of diamond chests with tons of ores and machinery. I needed these presses for making my me system and i go on an adventure trying to find these meteorites. I come back to my base and suddenly, my base's roof is missing. Now i start thinking about herobrine and shit but then i decide to go closer to investigate. I go to my roof and BAM. I'm tossed in the air like a ton of tnt exploded right under my feet, only to come back down and be tossed again till I fall to my death. So i figure out that it's one of those suckers hungry node that has alot of affection for my base that it keeps on eating it, and my chests. For now, I disabled my chunk loader in the base and just try to keep away from my base but how do i get rid of this bugger. Eat got my roof, and most of my costly items(portal guns, etc) Any help would be appreciated guys, im desperate here.

Thanking yall in advance.


Also, I havent explored the ThaumCraft mod yet, so i dont have the thaumameter and the thauminomininocon or whatever. And I dont have any knowledge about the mod either, except that they spawn cool boses and weird obelisks


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Which modpack?

That does sound a bit like a hungry node (you can get thrown around a bit like you're in a tornado) but it would be highly unlikely that you managed to build an advanced base with tons of ores and machinery without knowing there was a hungry node literally right beside you.

They don't move around. They do grow in influence, but not to the point where they're reaching over multiple chunks. So it probably isn't a hungry node.

You can kinda confirm by cheating in or making Goggles of Revealing and looking around. You'll be able to see any nodes nearby.
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It's a custom modpack I made which is used on the smp. My base was actually a desert temple(more like a sandstone box right now) But on the very tip of the desert temple was a cute little aura node. I didn't bother much about it. I read somewhere that nodes can change. I know it's a hungry node since I managed to craft one of those thaumometers real quick and I see the bugger resting in the air.

It's not really an advanced base, I did exaggerate on the machinery there, its just basic me stuff, an ore duping system with tons of reinforced caches and a quarry in it. The base itself is around 4 chunks, but if you include the farms, etc it goes to around 10 chunks which my chunk loader keeps loaded all the time. But tons of ores definitely. I dont want the node to suck all of that juicy stuff in. That would be so heart-breaking. :(


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
It's a custom modpack I made which is used on the smp. My base was actually a desert temple(more like a sandstone box right now) But on the very tip of the desert temple was a cute little aura node. I didn't bother much about it. I read somewhere that nodes can change. I know it's a hungry node since I managed to craft one of those thaumometers real quick and I see the bugger resting in the air.

It's not really an advanced base, I did exaggerate on the machinery there, its just basic me stuff, an ore duping system with tons of reinforced caches and a quarry in it. The base itself is around 4 chunks, but if you include the farms, etc it goes to around 10 chunks which my chunk loader keeps loaded all the time. But tons of ores definitely. I dont want the node to suck all of that juicy stuff in. That would be so heart-breaking. :(
Without knowledge of TC, your options are limited. Typically you'd want to "jar" the node at this point, which requires some decent TC advancement. I believe you can also "taint" the node (using nasty tainted stuff) which would remove the Hungry attribute as I understand it.

Other than that, your options would be to haul ass to a new location.


Ouch, how long does it take to advance to a point when you can start jaring the nodes?

Aura nodes can be mined, what about these buggers?


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Ouch, how long does it take to advance to a point when you can start jaring the nodes?
Couple-dozen hours of work for someone learning the mod for the first time maybe?

You need an infusion altar, decent staff, focus of equal trade, and lots of completed research.

You'll need a method to escape the pull of the node (there's a few gizmos that can outrun the pull. Ender-pearl throws also work)

You'll need a bunch of obsidian to encase the node in.

You'll need to watch youtube videos on everything above.
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Thanks for all the help man :D I have all the obsidian and I've heard that you can use a hang-glider to escape, but is it true that a hungry node gets hungrier if it keeps on eating items? If so how big can these get? Also, can they destroy dia-chests?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
If you just want to get rid of it, easiest way would be to go to creative mode and destroy it. You might also be able to build an obsidian bridge and mine the node when sneaking on the edge of the obsidian block. From what I have seen and heard, jaring a hungry node is quite tricky.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Thanks for all the help man :D I have all the obsidian and I've heard that you can use a hang-glider to escape, but is it true that a hungry node gets hungrier if it keeps on eating items? If so how big can these get? Also, can they destroy dia-chests?
Yes it can get stronger but I'm not sure how much. I don't *think* they can ever get to the point where it can pull you from 2 chunks away.

If you just want to get rid of it, easiest way would be to go to creative mode and destroy it. You might also be able to build an obsidian bridge and mine the node when sneaking on the edge of the obsidian block. From what I have seen and heard, jaring a hungry node is quite tricky.
This is actually a really good option carbo that I should have thought of, or a variant of it anyway. You don't need to jar this node. You can wall it to the best of your ability with obsidian (at which point you'll be pulled against the obsidian rather than into the singularity itself). Then you just need to be able to hit the node with a pickaxe (through a 1x1 hole if necessary) . A few seconds of that will destroy the node. No TC learning required. (edit: Except, you'll need goggles of revealing or a thaumometer to easily see the node, especially during the day)
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Alright then! I'll go workout in the gym and warm-up to destroy this evil stuff.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Uhm, guys, can't he just use a minimum of 5 obsidian to cover the bottom side of the node?

Since this is MC 1.7.10 , TC 4, I am 100 percent certain that that would work.

The "feeding radius" of the node should not increase if the node increases in size, so most things it hasn't eaten by now, should+.t be eaten any time soon.

I would absolutely recommend against destroying it. Those things are way harder to find than portal guns and can be really valuable once you get mid-deep into Thaumcraft.

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