[1.7.10][Not HQM!][Tech][Public Server]World Automation




Dominate the Universe
Welcome to World Automation, an all-new Tech pack that can run on 1.5GB of RAM with 150 mods. Packed with all the latest tech, featuring Mekanism, Galacticraft, RFTools, Advanced Generators, and more! An epic cross between Big Dig and Tekkit Main. Want to dig in the ground to find 6 types of copper to make a rocket and begin construction on an epic space station? You got it! The possibilities are endless, the pack is not HQM, meaning you can use the wealth of resources in the world around you for whatever you can imagine!

There is very little magic in this pack, meaning that if you don't like messing with magic mods but want a modern, well-built pack, this is the pack for you! There is high compatibility between the mods to create an epic experience. This pack is focused on automation, which means we strive to create as many ways as possible to tackle automation of the world around you. Don't like ComputerCraft? Use OpenComputers! Hate using Big Reactors? Build your own custom, modular generators with Advanced Generators!

What sets us apart from other tech packs?
This pack is developed, maintained, and supported by many members of the CraftersLand community to ensure you have the best experience. Unfair duplication bugs have been patched, crash bugs are fixed as soon as possible, and stability is our priority. Nobody wants to load up a pack and have it crash within minutes!

Updates are released every 3 weeks, which ensure you have the latest, up-to-date features of every mod available at your fingertips! We also provide a public server that is integrated into the pack. This is a professional-grade server that includes custom plugins to provide the very best experience. On our server you'll find a fully functional player market, full base protection and claiming, RFTools dimensions fully available to everyone, and more!

Other information
If you'd like to see a full list of mods, you can here on CurseForge.

This is an unlisted public pack, meaning you'll need to enter the pack code worldautomation on the 3rd Party Packs tab on the FTB Launcher.

This pack has official Technic and Curse ports!

Need help?
Don't worry, we have many people available who can help you out! You can reply to this thread or send me a PM, however that is not the fastest way to get a hold of me. You can make an account and post on our forums here to receive a reply from our staff team. Post in the Suggestions section on our forum to request a mod that you want to see in this pack (see the template pinned at the top of the section).

You can also reach me by sending a message in our Discord server! Join our Discord server here. Send your message and add @rmt and I'll try to reply to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading and be sure to have fun with this pack!​


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Sorry if this comes off the wrong way, but your quote "Want to dig in the ground to find 6 types of copper to make a rocket and begin construction on an epic space station? You got it!". Umm, isn't the natural goal in most packs now to unify said ores, so there isn't 6 different types, but instead, only one type? Everyone I know gets real turned off while mining and 6 mods add 6 different types of the same oredictionaried ore. The only thing worse is when one mod needs their specific mod ore to use in their machines, etc...


I understand, the pack has the AOBD mod which helps bridge some of the compatibility issues. I would change that configuration now however it would affect our public server with tons of missing blocks in the ground, etc. Thanks for your feedback!