1.2.0: Mekanism Induction Cells and Immersive Engineering Power systems incompatible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
Building a Mekanism Induction Cell multiblock battery and trying to use Immersive Engineering power transient systems to move around the RF results in a the Induction battery displaying it's MAX input rate and Max output rate within the GUI and the battery refuses to charge. Removal of the Immersive Engineering battery/connector from the mekanism power network restore normal function but the block where the mekanism cable existed is permanently broken. That block must be routed around in order to move power again.

It's likely this problem is already fixed in updated versions of both mods since the pack versions are severely out of date.

Mod & Version:
Mekanism / Immersive Engineering | Both versions are default 1.2.0 pack standard.

Paste.feed-the-beast.com log:

Can it be repeated:

Known Fix:
Update the mods and issue a new pack version.