- Server IP
- play.dw20.ca
- Modpack
- Direwolf20 1.20.1
- Modpack Version
- 1.10.0
IP: play.dw20.ca
24/7 Survival PvE DIrewolf20 1.20.1 Server
- Join and Play! No sign-up.
- Player Shops (Sells your plots or buy plots on the market)
- Veinminer - Break ore veins with 1 break
- ChopTree/Timbermod/Treedestroyage - Break a whole tree in one punch
- Autosell cobble/dirt/gravel for shekels automatically
- Jobs (Miner, digger and more, HUNTER IS GOOD, 12+ Jobs) + Quests
- Griefdefender + Towns
- Taxes that feed money into the lottery. (Big lotto, pretty good)
- Lottery! (Buy lotto tickets)
- Make clans and show off your clan name as your prefix!
- Not a hub server.
- Way more features!
- /back
- /sethome
- /home
- /rtp (random teleport)
- /tpa (teleport to a friend)
- /loan
- /buyclaimblocks
- /vm on & off
- /marry
- /auction
- /top
- and much more!
Download the launcher here: https://www.feed-the-beast.com/
Modpack: Direwolf20 1.20.1
Modpack Version: Latest
If you have problems connecting or updating your client, join discord,