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  1. L

    ftb infinity best power source?

    End game possibility:
  2. L

    Unsupported Monster 1.6.4 Bug Reports

    Modpack: Monster v1.1.2 Mod & version: IC2 exp. 2.0.397 --No crash-- What's the Bug: item ID mismatch - When crafting an energy crystal in the compressor, it returns item 30241:27 - immediately taking this into your inventory changes the ID to 30241:26 - This doesn't affect recipes immediately...
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    Unsupported Monster 1.6.4 Bug Reports

    Mod Pack: Monster 1.1.1 Mod & Version: Appeng 14.finale3/IC2 Exp 2.0.397 Pastebin link to crash log: none Whats the bug? ID issue with autocrafting MFSU with the autocrafted energy crystal - Energy crystal ID to be autocrafted is 30241:26 - when crafted and it goes into the ME system, the ID...
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    Sphaxed out

    NEVER look under that area...Sphax is in the process and has been of doing major overhauls and the only reliable source of downloads is on the forums. Try this instead: You can find more than enough packs for tons of modpacks here, including...
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    Unsupported Monster 1.6.4 Bug Reports

    Mod Pack: Monster Mod & Version: Key Bindings - Monster v1.0 and 1.01 Pastebin link to crash log: - no crash - options.txt to show I'm not crazy :( Whats the bug? Unable to use "F" key to move right - I've checked everywhere I know in the key options to find the...
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    Direwolf20 1.6.4 Optifine Won't Work

    I've managed to get Optifine running with the patch mentioned above. The only issue I have is, at random times, model textures get whacky (ie chests - either the bottom part of the chest or the top part of the chest "disappears") - It also causes issues with other modeled textures such...
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    Sphaxed out

    Skeleton - I did the finalized one...for ftb Unleashed - I also am doing the one for DW20 for MC1.6.4 - and, I'll be doing the one for ftb Monster as well.
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    Sphaxed out

    fyi - there is an updated Sphax Unleashed texture pack (put together by me). I have taken over the forum that rednic started. I also put together the Direwolf20 pack for 1.6.4MC. enjoy!
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    Mac Texture packs won't load correctly (Unleashed)(Screenshots)

    Sphax also has some good texture packs already for *most* of the 1.6MC modpacks
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    FTB Unleashed randomly crashes

    ty lavarthan - makes sense and I have no idea why I didn't think of this myself! LOL. I was looking for a fix and haven't really found one. Again, thanks!