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    Permissions Spreadsheet

    Thank you for this file! Automagy doesn't require notifying dev anymore, FYI.
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    Whitelist Server Phoenix Reborn | Full Featured & Light Pack | Fast Whitelist | Professional | Friendly {UgLounge}

    FYI, the server has been changed to Tekkit Classic, no whitelist.
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    Whitelist Server Phoenix Reborn | Full Featured & Light Pack | Fast Whitelist | Professional | Friendly {UgLounge}

    I've disabled the Slash mod, please let me know if this issue persists or not. If so, please give us the error that you are getting. Thank you.
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    Whitelist Server Phoenix Reborn | Full Featured & Light Pack | Fast Whitelist | Professional | Friendly {UgLounge}

    I've updated Java on the server. Please let me know if this issue continues or if it has been resolved. Thanks.
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    1.0.1: I can't use Dark Oak, Spruce, or Jungle planks to craft anything.

    For the record I'm pretty sure this is caused by NoMoreRecipeConflicts.
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    1.0.1: Stack Overflow

    Were you using Ender Fluid Conduits? If so this bug has already been fixed in a newer version of EIO.
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    1.0.1: NEI Frozen Bug

    Yup, never claimed it was a fix.
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    1.0.1: NEI Frozen Bug

    Reloading MC isn't a fix, just a temporary workaround. If you follow my steps you should never have to reload MC (hypothetically).
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    1.0.1: NEI Frozen Bug

    I've had issues caused by shift-clicking a subset (older versions of NEI for 1.7) and the latest version has issues when you use the inventory search (double clicking the search field). I've done the following to avoid all issues (except for it taking a long time to search, that's just it being...
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    1.0.1: 1.0.1 Filler crashing the game

    Another issue with the filler to be aware of.
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    1.0.1: Open blocks elevators not working.

    Elevators move you vertically, stairs move you diagonally.
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    1.0.1: I can't use Dark Oak, Spruce, or Jungle planks to craft anything.

    Same issue, I can only craft with oak planks. Updating to Java 8 didn't help, restarting makes no difference.
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    Private Pack Underground Lounge FTB | TPPI 1.0.4 | Open | PvE | Plugins | 32GB RAM | Reset July 4th!

    Introduction: Underground Lounge FTB aims to provide the best FTB TPPI experience available. Keeping as many items available as possible is one way we achieve this. We have a very friendly and helpful community. Server Address: | Server Version: TPPI 1.0.4 (Test...
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    Open Server Underground Lounge FTB | Monster 1.1.1 | Open | PvE | Plugins | 32GB RAM | Reset April 7th!

    The info on the OP of this post is out of date. Be sure to check this thread for current info. You have been promoted.