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  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Is my PC Strong enough?

    You mean my i7 could've been doing so much more all this time? Wish I would of knew that tidbit :p
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    How does one get Iridium in FTB Infinity Lite?
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    [1.5] Mystcraft Notebook Question

    Don't see anything.
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    [1.5] Mystcraft Notebook Question

    Typing 'notebook' in NEI is only showing one notebook, I can't find one with creative in the name. Is there a specific ID for it?
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    [1.5] Mystcraft Notebook Question

    Greetings, I'm trying to spawn a notebook full of symbols via both creative mode and NEI but am getting only blank notebooks. This process worked in 1.4.x versions, but playing the 1.5.2 release of Mystcraft it seems to be not working. Is this intended, a bug, or am I doing it wrong? Any help...
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    Lighting suggestions

    Not in the latest ultimate pack.
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    Lighting suggestions

    Oh sorry, I'm using the latest ultimate pack.
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    Lighting suggestions

    Yeah, I was hoping there was an alternative because when I was playing last wrath lamps had some weird physics that caused me a few problems.
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    Lighting suggestions

    Greetings, I'm a returning FTB veteran (played from about October last year to May this year) and am trying to adjust to some of the many changes that have since occurred. I've built a rather large warehouse like campus for all my industrial needs and most rooms are roughly 20x20x10. My...
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    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    I don't know how literally the only difference is two mods, one of which was client based. We're on 8.1.1 with all this spam.
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    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    Got so many exceptions with 969 the console can't even keep up. Issues have been posted here. We've yet to find a stable build since running MindCrack 8.0.1.
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    Pack updates and new packs

    How many more times does TerribleHost have to fail before something happens?
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    Whitelist Server | Mature Players (18+) | Dedicated | Mumble | Mindcrack v8.0.1 + Logistics Pipes

    Happy Friday! Server has had superb uptime this week (only downtime was upgrading RAM). Due to our upgraded RAM, we're going to bump our player base. Feel free to apply :)
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    Nope. Better off going with a provider that doesn't specialize with Minecraft. Save a ton of money that way :) Redstonehost and Creeper Host are probably the lowest on the tier of great servers. I am qualified to say that seeing as I have experience running MC servers since multiplayer was...
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    Whitelist Server | Mature Players (18+) | Dedicated | Mumble | Mindcrack v8.0.1 + Logistics Pipes

    No problem. We have a ton of technical and administrative experience on our staff team, so it's very easy to deal with these childish attacks.
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    Whitelist Server | Mature Players (18+) | Dedicated | Mumble | Mindcrack v8.0.1 + Logistics Pipes

    I have no doubt in my mind that's what happened. I'm sure you find it hard to believe because you're not able to look at the hard facts. Based on how everything played out last night, it was abundantly clear what happened.
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    Whitelist Server | Mature Players (18+) | Dedicated | Mumble | Mindcrack v8.0.1 + Logistics Pipes

    Please note there is now a mandatory age limit of 18+. We received a small scale attack on the server tonight after rejecting 4 - 5 applications based on age. I'm sure it's no coincidence that it was right after rejecting those applications. This is the exact reason this rule is in place as who...
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    Players who would like to create a FTB team?

    If you're 18+ you're welcome to join us on our Mindcrack server.