Search results

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    Whitelist Server FTB Ultimate Whitelisted : 17+ : Mindcrack Inspired : 15GB RAM : 24/7

    Minecraft Username: musicman148 Skype Username: therealbudross Age: 18 Why do you think this server is for you: I am a fan of mindcrack, and i'm looking for a close knit community, and i enjoy pranking! Have you ever been banned before. I have not How often will you play: Daily!
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    Whitelist Server teamGF Gaming [FTB Unleashed 1.1.7][Survival Server][TS3][Bukkit][50 Slots]

    In Game Name: musicman148 Age: 18 Country: USA Why should we let you into this server? I am a very experienced player and i am looking for a good community to play in and spend my time What you are looking for in a MC.Server? close-knit community, friendly, not too crowded, freedom What would be...
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    Whitelist Server FuryCraft FTB | Unleashed 1.1.7 | Dedicated Server | whitelist| Friendly community]

    Minecraft Username: musicman148 Skype Username: therealbudross Age: 17 Why do you think this server is for you: i am looking for a server with a small close community and this one seems great Have you ever been banned before. no How often will you play on the server: daily Any other information...
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    Whitelist Server FTB Ultimate Whitelisted : 17+ : Mindcrack Inspired : 15GB RAM : 24/7

    Minecraft Username: musicman148 Skype Username: therealbudross Age: 17 Why do you think this server is for you: I've been looking for a new server with a close community and one with no plugins Have you ever been banned before. nope! How often will you play: daily
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    Whitelist Server [1.4.7][FTB MINDCRACK PACK][WHITELISTED][NO BLACKLIST!]Feed the Beast!

    IGN: musicman148 Have You ever Been Banned? No i have not Will you Grief? Never Will you be kind to other players? Yes, it is needed for a small community and i like to help others out!
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    Whitelist Server XimCraft - FTB - Unleashed 1.1.4 [24/7] -Whitelisted

    What is your age? 16 Are you able to speak English? Yes Do you agree to follow the Feed the Beast server rules? Yes What is your minecraft username? musicman148 Why do you want to join our FTB server? Im looking for a good server with mature players and a close community and this server seems to...
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    Whitelist Server CrazyCraft - Ultimate - White list - No Banned Items 24/7 - Keep items on death

    In-Game Name: musicman148 Age: 16 Country: USA Time Zone: Central time How often will you play? Daily Skype? Yes, pm me for the name Have you ever been banned? Why? No i have not.
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    Whitelist Server Tartarus | SMP Agrarian Sky | Mature 18+ | Party Mode | Dedicated Server | TeamSpeak

    Application template: IGN Name: musicman148 Age: 18 Location: Chicago, IL Previous bans if any (be honest): None Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): Ive played FTB for over a year but i do not have any screenshots due to a new desktop! What was the worst thing you...
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    Whitelist Server The Leprechaun’s FTB Ultimate Server | Whitelist | 20 slots | 24/7 | Small Community

    Whitelist Application: In Game Name: TH3BUDR0SS Age: 17 Country / Location: Chicago, USA FTB Experience Level (1-10): 7.5 Why are you interested in joining our server: I'm looking for a small connected community with good players to keep it interesting! Do you have a microphone: Yes Will you...
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    Whitelist Server MindCrack 8.3.2 ::GregTec Easy:: Whitelist Server Fresh Start :) Age 18+

    Server Application: 1. In game Name: TH3BUDR0SS or musicman148 2. Skype Name ( Mandatory ): therealbudross 3. Age: 18 4. How often do you play minecraft? Daily 5. Why would you like to join? Im looking for a ftb server with a good community and without too many people crowding the land 6. Can...
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    Whitelist Server Incepticraft Mindcrack! [8.2.0] [PLUGINS!] [NEW SERVER!] [DEDICATED 24/7!] [PvE!] [HARD!] [TS3!]

    Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 17! Have you ever been banned from a server?: Nope! Never! If yes then please state why: Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Lots of experience, ive played alot of FTB and i continue to learn more and more...
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    Whitelist Server Ultra Modern

    Age: 17 IGN: (In Game Name) musicman148 Have You Been Banned from a server: Nope! If yes, why: Do you make lps and if you do what is your youtube name? Nope. but i have a twitch! Why do you want to join the server: Looks like a fun server to play on, and a good community! Ive been looking for...
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    Whitelist Server Deltro-NR | Grief Prevention | No Banned Items | TeamSpeak | Whitelist | NOW UNLEASHED

    IGN?: musicman148 How old are you?: 17! How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 4-5 months now Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Creativity! Have you ever been banned? If so what for? Nope, never been banned! Do you accept the rules of the...
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    Whitelist Server KingdomKraft[24/7][White-listed][Dedicated][MindCrack]

    - Player name: Musicman148 - Do you agree to the rules(yes or no): Ofcourse - Other info: I'm a mature person, ive never been banned. I have played ftb for 3 months now and im always glad to help!