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    Shaders killing FPS? (ftb problem, NOT my pc specs)

    i believe it was the lack of optifine that caused the immense lag.
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    [Tutorial] How to install shaders

    This guy made it work. however, this is only if youre playing with a modpack that runs MC 1.6.4.
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    Shaders killing FPS? (ftb problem, NOT my pc specs)

    this guy solved it for us
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    Windows .exe Shaderpacks?

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    Windows .exe Shaderpacks?

    I know this should probably be in the texturepacks forum but I'm getting no responses there so i decided i would try here instead. I have been trying to get shaders to work with the MagicFarm2 modpack and I've come up with nothing but failure. I was following the instructions in this thread...
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    A quick fix?

    can you upload a screenshot?
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    A quick fix?

    what modpack/texture pack are you using, incase what im about to say doesnt help Go into the texturepack folder, then assets, and look for the missing textures there. that should get you started.
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    [Tutorial] How to install shaders

    for anybody having the same problem me and Jeremy are having check in here, maybe we can all work on it together... (since there is no response on this thread)
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    Shaders killing FPS? (ftb problem, NOT my pc specs)

    update: I've had success installing optifine 1.6.4_HD_U_C6 onto Magicfarm2. (of course this should work for any other modpack). you basically just download whichever version of optifine you want and move it to the Modpack>minecraft>mods folder. this may have been obvious to a lot of people but...
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    Shaders killing FPS? (ftb problem, NOT my pc specs)

    So i recently tried running shaders on MagicFarm2 using the tutorial kindly provided by Zica,, and I've run into a little problem. I'm not the only one that is having this problem. I've heard some say that the...
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    [Tutorial] How to install shaders

    so im using this with the new MagicFarm2 modpack, and my fps, even with the shader off, looks like its having a hangover. "Once done downloading, take the ShadersModCore.jar and put it into your FTBModpack\minecraft\mods folder. Run minecraft, then exit once you get to the main menu" when i...
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    Windows .exe Mindcrack server wont start

    update: this is a picture of the console just as it slips away... do i just need to reinstall java or something?
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    Windows .exe Mindcrack server wont start

    I downloaded the mindcrack server and when i click on the ServerStart.bat the console shows up for a split second then disappears. so basically... it wont open. i also added the folder as an exception in my antivirus software, and it still doesn't work... any help is appreciated! :3
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    Windows .exe 12/14/13 update.... i cant get past the console

    I just updated the launcher and now all that's running is the console. I have deleted everything and reinstalled several times but I cant get past the console. heres what the console says if it helps... FTBLaunch starting up (version 1.3.0) AnalyticsBackgroundThread started Java version...
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    Windows .exe Connected textures option missing?

    ah, okay. i guess i don't remember having to download it. thank you!
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    Windows .exe Connected textures option missing?

    but doesn't it run automatically or something? The option has been there before. I haven't played minecraft in a while and I recently reinstalled mindcrack. I remember the option (along with several others) being there without me having to manually run optifine. I just figured it ran in the...
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    Windows .exe Connected textures option missing?

    in Mindcrack, im using Sphax purebdcraft (not that the pack matters) and the option for connected textures is missing. help please! :I
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    Windows .exe I cant launch any FTB mods

    No matter which Modpack I try to load it always ends up crashing right after the Mojang screen. It might be a FML problem because that's also crashed a few times I've tried to open Mindcrack. I think this problem may have started when I updated Java recently. I've also tried uninstalling and...
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    is there a machine that buckets lava from a pump?

    i need to take lava from the nether via a pump, bucket that lava, and send it through an ender chest. is there a machine that buckets it?