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  1. N

    Whitelist Server Modified TPPI server (flans mod added/soulshards/PVP)/Whitelisted

    IGN: Ninj4turtl3 Time Zone: est Age: 24 Goals: tppi server Why do you want to join?: I can only play tppi modpacks. How much can you play?: 10 hours a week. How can you contribute?: I know many tppi mods as i have been on several tppi servers. Have you ever been banned from a server? If so...
  2. N

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Sad, I really can't stick to any mod pack these days, as tppi2 really set the bar high for my standards and it seems to be a dying mod pack. Not dying as in the creator add/fixing but dying in dedicated servers and public awareness of its existence. It seems most people rather get everything...
  3. N

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Is there any mod pack that is released? i was checking the direwolf20 modpack, it seems likable to tppi2.
  4. N

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    What mod pack is like or closest to tppi2? Hard start up, long term play and over 100 mods.