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    [Tutorial] Cauldron Server Setup (1.7.10)

    Nice tutorial, was gonna make something similar but I'm not a very good commentator :p Just one thing to add is that if you wanna run plugins you also have to add the CauldronBukkit.jar or you will get this error Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/craftbukkit/v1_7_R1/util/S...
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    Agrarian Skies Server, I am trying....

    Have you had any experience with Bukkit plugins? Because you could setup a skyblock plugin and use a custom schematic of the AS Island
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    BedCraftGP - [*Fix 95% off ALL griefing*] ~Ultimate ~Unleashed

    @darkdeath1332 Just wanted to point out that the download on your main post is linking to BedCraftGP.jar instead of BC-Protect.jar Also I'm having this error, I'm using the recommended version of Cauldron for 1.6.4 EDIT: My bad forgot this plugin was made for 1.5.2 packs, any chance of you...