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  1. T

    What's new in modded minecraft today?

    Development is back on track, and we have a roadmap for where we want to go from here. You can grab yourself an alpha build for 1.7.x here: ^ The above link is always synced with the latest commit. We won't be supporting the build, so...
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    Update on the Future of FTB Modpacks in 1.7

    I think this was a good move. The amount of time previously taken to balance out energy systems can now be used to make packs even more amazing. Can't wait!
  3. T

    It's open source. Go for it. ;D

    It's open source. Go for it. ;D
  4. T

    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    Yeah, about that. Small diversion. If you've already downloaded it, redownload. It's not that severe, I just accidentally made Water Vials transpose into themselves. Derp. (and if you haven't downloaded yet, just do your normal thing.)
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    Anyway, we made a hotfix for 1.6.4, that fixes a few gameplay and balance bugs. I would recommend that any server/modpack using Reliquary update to this new version (like, say, FTB).
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    Just incase anyone missed this: Exciting things ahead!
  7. T

    Adding some FTB supported mods to Direwolf20 1.6.4 pack

    Hey, I develop Reliquary. Your trying to use the 1.5.x version on 1.6, I believe. The zip file you have follows Xeno's old version system, so if you still need help, I would just grab the new version from here... That's what is...
  8. T

    Nope. I should probably do that.

    Nope. I should probably do that.
  9. T

    FTB and Forge - Curse Partnership.

    After a lot of thought, let's just sit back, grab some popcorn, and see how this plays out. Although a deal with Curse seems a bit sketchy, I'm willing to give this deal/partnership a chance.
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    I'm going to repeat here what I said on MCF. 'Okay, a few things on the Christmas Update. Well, I hit a little snag. Due to how ICraftingHandler's work, mods with crafting tables (i.e. Thermal Expansion and XACT) are unable to call them bug-free, so they usually don't. This presents a problem...
  11. T

    FTB Monster mod pack listed - What do you think?

    which mods are you most looking forward to playing? Reliquary, well because I'm maintaining it. Outside of that, I can't wait to play with some of the mods, ones I've never tried before (like RotaryCraft, GasCraft, Mariculture, ExpandedRedstone, GeoStrata, etc). which ones will you disable...
  12. T

    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    The Christmas Update is coming Christmas Day night, and will be posted to MCF. It'll be 1.6.4-1.2b1, since there are some bugs that can't be solved until MC 1.7.x (if you play with it on a server with Thermal Expansion or XACT, you might want to disable the Tome of Alkahest. It causes a dupe...
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    Starting with 1.2, the Christmas Update, I'll be using my own MCF thread. Until I had some new stuff added, I didn't want to make my own thread with exactly the same stuff as x3n0's version, because to me that is pointless. Also, Github isn't meant to replace a forum thread, it's a place to...
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    Ohh yeah, I almost forgot. Due to the generosity of the previous owner, I now own #reliquary on EsperNet! Feel free to join, but follow the rules (of both my channel and EsperNet) please.
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    Good to hear! For Monster, I'd personally wait until I drop update 1.2 (beta build only 6 days now!). I'm working some really useful tools for server admins.
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    Whoops. @TheMike_MC
  17. T

    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    They are not just code-side. They are actually in the repo now, so once I polish it up a bit I'll tweet some teasers (@TheMikeMC). Also, 1.2 in 8 days!
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    Ok, can we lay this conversation to rest, and keep the topic on the mod itself? Thanks.
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    I've been messing around with the Wraith's Eye a little for 1.2, using a hammer to smash little bugs. Due to a NBT format change, I have to convert the old format to the new format, so pre-existing Wraith's Eye(s) don't crash when you try to use them (it fixes a fairly big bug, actually two)...
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    (Xeno's Reliquary) It's back for 1.6!

    Ok. Can we all please stop this from turning into a 'what defines open source' battle arena? Short and simple answer is, yes, you can use it in your modpack, and thanks for being polite. I've popped my head around ModJam a few times, as well as making a few side mods (they were beginner mods I...