Search results

  1. Chaoschaot234

    Request Help to modify FTB Continuum

    I want to edit the named pack and want to add Astral Sorcerie but I don't know how to implement it correctly. If anyone, who ever played this pack and knows aboud the above mod, could help me to implement it well in the Better Questing System, it would be realy nice :). Also, ist it fine to...
  2. Chaoschaot234

    Official FTB Pack Suggestions Thread

    I would it find nice, if FTB Continuum get's Astral Sorcerie installed, like it is in FTB Revelation.
  3. Chaoschaot234

    Open Bronze ingot recipe incorrect

    Reported and added to the ignore list, because I am not a troll and who ever is thinking in this direction should be quiet! @grandrolf - Well, I like your arguments and I think to talk about that with you over PM, if this is ok for you. Maybe I am a bit harsh or getting angry to fast over many...
  4. Chaoschaot234

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    What bug was found in FTB Revelations with the Bag of Holding from ExU 2 that his recipe has been removed? I tried to loog through the changelog but either I am blind or there was nothing mentioned about this bug. Would be nice what's going on with this item, because it is one of my fav items...
  5. Chaoschaot234

    FTB Utilities, how to increase allowed claimed chunks

    Or kicking such mods out of the packs ... well, what I did was reactivating the chunkloaders from other mods (killed the lines in the specified ZS-Script), which weren't craftable because the FTB Team is forcing the player to use this new stupied FTBUtilites progression. If we are in need of...
  6. Chaoschaot234

    Open Bronze ingot recipe incorrect

    Is that so? Sorry to say this but I don't care about the intension from mod pack author as they is only secondary and the mod author intension is primary. Note that this is my opinion and my point of view and I'll never change frome this. Take it or be quite, because every one has his own...
  7. Chaoschaot234

    Official FTB Pack Suggestions Thread

    Found another mod, which has to be in the pack: - Addon for Industrial Foregoing. Not sure why it isn't in there but from what I have read it is important for the main mod.
  8. Chaoschaot234

    Open Why adding stupied recipie for OCs Diamond Chip?

    Summary of the problem Why adding stupied recipie for OCs Diamond Chip? Pack Version 2.2.0 What is the bug? #Add Open Computers Diamond Chip recipe recipes.remove(<opencomputers:material:29>); recipes.addShapeless(<opencomputers:material:29>, [<ore:nuggetDiamond>, <ore:nuggetDiamond>] )...
  9. Chaoschaot234

    Open Cannot view Laser Drill Recipe (Industrial Foregoing)

    I have this to and this is because there are no diamond gears. I assume that this is cause because BuildCraft is not installed but then the main question is, why there are no other recipies so I created my own ones. I hope these are suiteable for you and for the hole pack as I changed the used...
  10. Chaoschaot234

    Open Bronze ingot recipe incorrect

    This was changed by the FTB Team, whyever and whoever has had this stupied idea. Simply look into scripts/00_recipe_changes.zs Lines 123-127 (change 125 to * 4 instead to * 2 will fix this): Original code: #Reduce crafting of bronze ingots to 2 from 4 in crafting table, various machine...
  11. Chaoschaot234

    FTB Utilities, how to increase allowed claimed chunks

    Hey together, have the same problem that FTBU isn't longer like in 1.7.10 where you used /edit_config ftbu to edit all the claims and no, I don't go out there and use a stupied permission system which is useless! I want exactly and nothing more as the old 1.7.10 behavior to edit the...
  12. Chaoschaot234

    Open Journeymap Server Error

    There is no client side error. I asked also the JourneyMap Team in there Discord server and received this answere (a bit of puzzleing to cut out unrelevant stuff): Means, that our current Forge Version is to new which causes this problem...
  13. Chaoschaot234

    Open InitialInventory/AkashicTome Server Error

    Error seems to happen when JEI isn't installed on the server (whyever it must be installed there if it's after all a Client Side Only Mod)
  14. Chaoschaot234

    Open InitialInventory/AkashicTome Server Error

    Summary of the problem InitialInventory/AkashicTome Server Error Pack Version 2.2.0 What is the bug? Mod & Version latest version in the mod pack Link to log file Is it repeatable? indeed, other player hase it...
  15. Chaoschaot234

    Open Journeymap Server Error

    Summary of the problem Journeymap Server Error Pack Version 2.2.0 What is the bug? Mod & Version latest, which is in the pack Link to log file Is it repeatable? it should Known Fix remove it from the server
  16. Chaoschaot234

    Official FTB Pack Suggestions Thread

    For FTB Revelations I suggest to implement the Rockhounding Mod (Core, Chemistry, Rocks and Surface). I like the tech behind it and how it works. With Rocks and Surface you have also nice additions for building purpose. And for a suitable ore-processing-facility (x5) I suggest in addition...
  17. Chaoschaot234

    Request FTB IE 1.7.10 Final Update? Mekanism and OC request

    Interesting that this is handled as "personal convenience" but hey, I don't care about it because it isn't "personal convenience", it is a full quallified request and nothing else! Social/political reasons for a mod? Do you want to kidding me? Sorry, but a mod has never ever todo smth. with...
  18. Chaoschaot234

    Request FTB IE 1.7.10 Final Update? Mekanism and OC request

    Hey together, I wonder where the final update for FTB Infinity Evolved is because a few mods have received updates before 1.7.10 was dropped. Also why is there no OpenComputers officialy in it? CC is a) to easy and has b) ofen resulted in server crashes because of problems with their monitors...
  19. Chaoschaot234

    Official FTB Pack Suggestions Thread

    Hey, pls remove Runic Dungeons form the packs because if u right click on the guardian stone you get an instand DC loop which is reported on the git repro from Runic Dungeons since 2015! Well, you can also disable the guardian stones in the config but then I see no sense to use this mod. And to...
  20. Chaoschaot234

    Open is missing start/stop/command option, also no screen support

    And how should normal Users then simply start and stop their server without such arguments? So the FTB Team forces the user to solve this problem which isn't fine at all. A minimum for start and stop must be provided for normal users without any knowledge in shell/batch scripting.